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Dec 25, 202311 min read
12: Sharma Haskel, Witch of Titan
Mama Europa is a bigger ship than I expected. At first I couldn’t see anything, and then I spotted a subtle shimmering curve in the...
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Dec 18, 202310 min read
11: Escape from the Red Planet
Nia sends a message back to her dad letting him know we’re safe at the shuttle. “All we can do now is wait to hear from him,” she says....
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Dec 11, 20237 min read
10: Strange Arrivals and Departures
After our narrow escape with Mace and my mom, Nia flies us all up the canyon to another of Tony’s hidden bases. She explains they have...
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Dec 4, 202312 min read
9: Cadets in Space
Chance Holland grips the armrest of his seat and watches out the front as Franklin pilots the small ship through a maze of rock spires....
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Nov 27, 20238 min read
8: Misfit Gods of the Inner Worlds
Far above the Martian surface, in a small transport shuttle descending from the orbital travel hub, Nova sits tense in a cramped seat....
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Nov 20, 202312 min read
7: Home Invasion
I know I need to do something about it, but I’m not ready yet. I brush off Nia with a half-truth about PTSD, to explain my sudden...
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Mar 15, 20208 min read
6: Red Velvet Dress
Nia Ross scares me a little bit. We smash through the prison’s perimeter barrier in a relentless surge of acceleration and streak away...
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Mar 1, 20208 min read
5: Melvin and the Magic Hand
The air in prison is stifling, just enough oxygen to keep us alive, just enough carbon dioxide to cause distress. The guards use oxygen...
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Feb 16, 202011 min read
4: Chance Holland, Space Cadet
A couple dozen cadet recruits for the Martian special forces line up, rigid and silent, facing their new instructor who paces in front of...
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Feb 2, 20208 min read
3: November Adams, Immortal
Three agonizing days passed after November Adams died, and then life returned and the child awoke. The adult Adamses, who had by some...
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Jan 19, 20208 min read
2: Antonia Ross, Smuggler
Nia is a pilot, a damn good one. Her day started just peachy; it was supposed to be a routine smuggling run to a remote Martian canyon,...
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Jan 5, 20209 min read
1: Melvin Jayce, Levitating Scooter Salesperson
I’m not quite sure who I am. I don’t do much, don’t know much, and I don’t need to. I know literally everything about levitating scooters...
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